Rice seed

Rice seed

AY-1 / AY-2

The Most Sold Variety

  • Varieties : Three-line hybrid rice
  • Variety Yield : 9.530 MT / ha
  • Growth period : The whole growth period is about 134 days
  • Initiating mode : Recoil start,electric start
  • Plant traits : Height 99 cm. Moderate plant type, strong tillering ability, strong lodging resistance
  • Rice quality : The roughness rate of 80.3%, milled rice rate of 73.7%, the whole milled rice rate of 60.6%, chalkiness rate of 10%, chalkiness of 4%, grain length to width ratio 3.4; amylose content of 26.2%, protein content of 11.7% , Gel consistency of 68mm

Sales Champion Products Very Adaptable in many countries

An indica three - line hybrid rice


This variety the whole growth period of 135 to 145 days depends on different places. Plant type is moderate, flag leaf large, slightly Phi. Leaf sheath, lemma tip are colorless, good color. the plant height is 114 cm, the effective ear is 160 thousand ears per panicle, the total grain number per spike is 170.3 grains, the seed setting rate is 83.6%, and the kernel weight is 26.1 g.

Resistance performance

Resistance to rice blast, in the resistance to panicle blast, in the resistance to bacterial blight, resistance to sheath blight, strong cold resistance, high temperature ability.

Yield performance:

In Changjiang area of China, Two-year regional test average yield of 9.7 MT/ha, compared with the control Ⅱ You 838 increase of 8.75%

Cultivation points:

In Changjiang area of China, planting on April 20, the amount of field per acre with 2-2.5 kg seeding per acre seedling 10-12.5 kg, seedling age of 30 days or less, planting density 20 cm × 26 cm, Each plug inserted two grain seedling, the basic seedlings per acre of about 6-8 million. Mushi pure nitrogen 13-15 kg, before the use of the principle of light after the supplement, Shen Shi spike fertilizer attention, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium with the application. When the number of tillers reached 180,000, the sun drying field, drying field should not be light weight; dry and wet later, not dehydrated too early. Attention to prevention and control of rice blast, false smut and other diseases and insect pests.